Exail Technologies is listed on Euronext Paris Compartment B.
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Why invest in Exail Technologies?
1. A leading player in the high-tech markets of autonomous robotics with strong vertical integration. Exail Technologies is strongly positioned in each of its product lines with high barriers to entry.
2. Well-oriented markets with a mix of defense and civil clients, supporting the ambition of ExailTechnologies to generate more than €500 m of revenues by 2025-2026
3. A stable, family-based shareholder structure deeply involved in the company’s operations, meaning that challenges can be taken up and business lines steered towards sustainable growth in accordance with a business model that targets long-term development.
4. A strong team of women and men driven by shared entrepreneurial values that encourage boldness. Exail Technologies stands out from other high-tech groups due to its corporate culture, which disseminates a vision of efficiency, entrepreneurial energy and collective ambition across the whole Group.